Opinion Pieces, Blogs & Presentations
Young Universities Summit
Arun Sharma, deputy vice chancellor (research and commercialisation) at Queensland University of Technology, closes the first day of the 2017 Young Universities Summit
The Human Touch In An Automated World: Are The Creative Arts Ready To Respond?
It is difficult to predict the extent and the rate at which machines will replace humans in the workforce, but it is clear that "rationality" is more vulnerable to automation than emotions, drives and storytelling imperatives that make us human, if only for the reason that the search space for the latter is immensely more complex and vast.
Close the lecture theatres
Will the twin trends of open source and wiki have a transformational effect on learning content and, as such, on universities? This piece from 2011 appeared before the widespread emergence of MOOC providers in 2012 – “the year of the MOOC” as noted by the New York Times.
Opportunities for universities in the new century
Emeritus Distinguished Professor Arun Sharma’s keynote speech “Opportunities for universities in the new century | Branding, sustainability. International mobility and partnerships of equals”